The following post I originally wrote for another blog called Devouring Books. I had always intended to post it here as well, but then forgot about it. Until now, though I am expanding and improving on the post here so even if you happen to...
Tag: writing
Our Anachronisms
Anachronisms are not a recent invention, the picture above this blog is an example of a medieval one and comes from an illustration of the Alexander Romance. It is supposed to depict Alexander the Great and his army meeting a group of Amazons. However, Alexander’s...
The First Conclave
With The Living Sword 3 coming out soon, I thought I would devote this blog post to talking about the mythical background to the Conclave Festival. Today, I will regale to you the tale of the First Conclave. I’d planned to do this within the...
The Past, the Present, and the Future
This is another author update, one dealing with the past, present, and future of both this website and my writing. I have good news, and bad news. News I’m proud of, and some news I can just facepalm about. So, let’s start with the bad...
Author Update
It’s been a while since my last post so I thought I’d give everyone and update on where I’m at and some others things that I think will interest you. If you’ve been worried my silence meant bad things, no worries. I am in good...
State of the Author
Some of you might have noticed a lack of updates on both the blog and in the progress bar on the homepage. I wanted to take this time to let you all know what’s going on. I’ll also share some links I’ve come across these...