After my recent post about worldbuilding advice based on historical examples I came across some news archeological news that I thought was both interesting and tied into what I’d written about. I want to share those with you today. And at the end of my...
Category: Worldbuilding
Constructing a City
The following post I originally wrote for another blog called Devouring Books. I had always intended to post it here as well, but then forgot about it. Until now, though I am expanding and improving on the post here so even if you happen to...
Our Anachronisms
Anachronisms are not a recent invention, the picture above this blog is an example of a medieval one and comes from an illustration of the Alexander Romance. It is supposed to depict Alexander the Great and his army meeting a group of Amazons. However, Alexander’s...
The 7 Deadly Sins
Recently I came across a reddit threat over on r/fantasywriters asking how to create monsters based on the seven deadly sins and I found myself inspired. This blog post is based on the comment I made on that thread but I’ve expanded each of the...
WoT the Landscape Says, Part 3
In today’s post we only see two new location I wish to discuss, though one comes in two parts. As in the previous parts, I want to look at both how these designs make sense in a historical sense as well as a story telling...
WoT the Landscape Says, Part 2
We are now past the halfway point of the Wheel of Time season 1 and we’ve seen a few new places in episodes 4 and 5 that I want to take a closer look at. So today we’ll see what the landscape of the Wheel...
WoT the Landscape Says, Part 1
So the first three episodes of the new Wheel of Time series has dropped and I have been very impressed. As some of you may know, I’ve long been a fan of the Wheel of Time books and seeing them on the screen was a...
The First Conclave
With The Living Sword 3 coming out soon, I thought I would devote this blog post to talking about the mythical background to the Conclave Festival. Today, I will regale to you the tale of the First Conclave. I’d planned to do this within the...
Inza Spire – A Godbound Encounter
Last year, besides writing Living Sword 3 but more on that later, I also ran a tabletop roleplaying campaign set in the Living Sword world. The system we used was Godbound and it worked quite well, though I had to make some adjustments. Exploring the...
The Lighthouse Keeper
I play tabletop RPGs as a hobby, and I also GM campaigns. One of those campaigns I ran was for Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition, shortened to DnD 5e or just 5e by many. It was set in an archipelago called the Thousand Isles, where...